#rodney rowland
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randomfoggytiger · 3 months ago
TIL that Rodney Rowland was in Home first before Never Again:
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“I see James Morrison; Rodney Rowland and Morgan Weisser as three big freak brothers,” Glen Morgan told Chris Carter, Carter’s response: “Okay!” Morrison, Rowland and Weisser, of course, were three cast members from Space: Above and Beyond: Morgan and Wong wanted to write about three freak brothers because they had concluded, after their survey of the third season episodes, that The X-Files needed a kick in the pants, something that would be swift and shocking; an old-fashioned horror show. “We wanted to start off with a bang,” noted Wong. Freak brothers would do the trick.
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scullyblues · 2 years ago
asksdljs G didn't like the 8 pack
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yumyumpod · 1 year ago
This week on Space: Above and Beyond they just casually give an unnamed one off character a meaty conversations that perfectly encapsulates the ideas and themes this series was going for.
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lifewithaview · 1 year ago
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Rodney Rowland in The X-Files (1993) Never Again
With Mulder off on a week's mandatory leave, Scully is on her own and feeling put upon. While in Philadelphia she meets Edward Jerse who asks her out to dinner. Ed had recently gone through a nasty divorce. Despondent and more than a little drunk, he got a tattoo. Soon after, he began hearing voices and lashing out at work. He lost his job and disposed of a neighbor who he thought was tormenting him. After drinks, Scully gets a tattoo of her own, but the next day two Philadelphia police detectives show up at Jerse's apartment investigating his neighbor's disappearance. Scully may have found a medical reason for Ed's hallucinations.
*Jodie Foster was a longtime friend of the show's casting director, Randy Stone, and also a huge fan of the show. So when she was asked to provide a voice, she readily agreed. Foster nailed her line readings in one hour in a recording booth.
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koschei-the-ginger · 11 months ago
My rating of fake Mulders in the x-files
Ed Jerse - potrayed by Rodney Rowland
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younger than Mulder, creepier than Mulder, this guy is supposed to look like him just enough for it to bother you. totally looks like someone who would kill his neighbour. 7/10
Kansas city FBI agent - portrayed by Steve Kiziak
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virtually irrecognizable from some angles, eastern european, real life stunt double, even gets his ass beaten to a pulp by Kansas city Scully. I love him. 9.5/10
fake txf movie Mulder portrayed by Gary Shandling - potrayed by real Gary Shandling
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appearance wise not a good fit but I love a good internal joke and he's horny enough - 7/10
Agent Miller - potrayed by Robbie Amell
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minimal resemblance, zero charisma, character flatter and plainer than a toast bread, he's not even eastern european, he's not even jewish, absolutely terrible -100000000/10
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cristalknife · 2 months ago
WIP Folder Game
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
@myulalie tagged me and once you see the list you'll get why it took forever and one day for me to actually post it. Conveniently divided by fandom because that's how I keep track of them... There is some reason to my madness... What you see as chaos it's my order...
Dead boy detectives: 1. A Cat's Bitch [cricketcat] 2. Day 2 - Paul Rowland was actually a demon - Or Charles had been raised by a demon escaped from hell with the sole purpose of being sent to hell to take his place [payneland] 3. Every change you make (it's one small act of destruction)[payneland] 4. Bi-Charles Maurice [gen/payneland] 5. Open comm [payneland] 6. You Are The Most Important Person In The World To Me [payneland] 7. I was made for letters not for messages [Edwin char study] 8. St Hilarion Boarding School Secret Sorcery Society [payneland endgame] 9. Desire's friendship [Charles & Desire of the Endless] 10. Reverse verse ideas [payneland] 11. possession/shapeshifting [payneland] 12. I will stop playing nice [cricketcat] 13. Edwin's subspace [undecided] 14. premature ejaculation [undecided] 15. How to get adopted by two ghost dads [payneland, palasaki] 16. part fae Charles [payneland] 17. alpha x alpha [payneland] 18. Bad Touch [NonCon Esther/Charles]
Kinnporsche - The Series: 19. It’s, Not Like That For Us [TimeTay] 20. Making Dreams Come True [Chay centric, KinnPorsche] 21. Not so broken brotherly bonds - convo [unholy trinity (Kim & Khun & Kinn)] 22. PP-PorschePete Fighting For Love [PorschePete] 23. KIMCHAY angstfuck [Kimchay] 24. VP headpat [VegasPete] 25. VP Pete tearing up diamond [VegasPete] 26. VPT complementary clothes [VegasPeteTay] 27. Tay & Chay [Tay & Chay] 28. VPT [VegasPeteTay] 29. BigKimChay [BigKimChay] 30. KC -The Surprises of Magical Realities: Original 3 days timeline [Kimchay] 31. KC -The Surprises of Magical Realities: Porsche [Kimchay] 32. ArmKhun [ArmKhun] 33. VP domestic - Vegas is the head of the minor family [VegasPete] 34. KimPeteVegas [KimPeteVegas]
Love In The Air (thai): 35. I always wanted to become a CEO… [PaySky] 36. From the outside looking in [PayuSky, in the frame of the polycule RainPayuPaySky]
Glee: 37. WIP Should your family fall short mine will adopt you KAW134 In Lima [Kadam] 38. What if auditioning at the Winter Showcase came with its own rep currency? [Kadam] 39. Let's try this again - Kadam [Kadam] 40. “Yes yes I know I’m not a catch like you” [Kadam] 41. Save the last dance for me [Kadam] 42. dance me to the end of love [Kadam] 43. It’s Never Too Late To Choose Happyness [Kadam] 44. Already Too Late, A Little Too Early [Kadam endgame] 45. On my Own [Kurt centric] 46. Gift For Skarlet Mikaelis 666 [Kadam] 47. Gift For NikiJuly17th [Kadam endgame] 48. Faint away I'll always catch you [Kadam] 49. Come over here, and make me [Kadam] 50. Day 1 [Kadam] 51. kadam kitty's pov [Kadam]
NCIS: 52. unnamed Agent Afloat [Tony Dinozzo/Rodney McKay] 53. Too Late To Apologize [Tony Dinozzo/Rodney McKay]
Encanto: 54. She is my daughter / I'm thinking of my daughter [Bruno is Mirabel's father] 55. Papa Bruno angsty prompt [Bruno is Mirabel's father]
Shadowhunters: 56. Words are powerful… even more so when you're a warlock ~ Alec side Vol 1 [Malec] 57. Words are powerful… even more so when you're a warlock ~ Magnus side Vol 2 [Malec] 58. Wingo - Once he was introduced to the shadow world [Raphal/Alec] 59. Wingo - Rude Sequel [Malec] 60. Disrispect the living but hail the dead [dargon!Alec, pairing undecided] 61. Selkie!Alec [Selkie!Alec, pairing undecided] 62. no easy way out [Alec centric] 63. Life is a beach [Alec centric] 64. This wasn’t the price we agreed on [pre-Malec] 65. savior whisperer [Alec centric] 66. a broken heart leads to endless heartbreak [post breakup Alec] 67. Clave approved book of gray [Malec] 68. Magic tether snip [Malec] 69. The House Of Angst ~ Tell Me You Love Me, Even If It Is A Lie [pairing undecided] 70. The House Of Angst ~ Spine and Archer's Paradox [Alec centric] 71. The House Of Angst ~ The Dichotomy Of Touches [Malec] 72. The House Of Angst ~ Saphael ace platonic love bliss [Saphael] 73. The House Of Angst ~ Which way should I go, left where nothing is right, or right where nothing is left? Space Between [Alec centric] 74. The House Of Angst ~ It's all coming back to me [Vampire!Alec] 75. Tales Of Magic And Mahyem [Malec endgame] 76. We stay separate from the downworlder for good reasons [warlock!Alec] 77. Kings & Dragons [dragon!Alec, Malec] 78. Here There Be Dragons - Prompts [Malec with dragons bonded] 79. Lorenzo & Alec as family post 3.18 breakup 80. Winged Protectors ~ The Sands Of Edom Aweken [Malec] 81. having a child 82. Mini soulmates ~ Did I really drink that much last night? [Malec]
Tagging (no pressure and just if you feel like it) and making it a you problem 😹 : @cannibalisticcorpse, @littlechameleonguy, @angelonpoison, @coleslaww, @highpriestessofjogan, @voiidvagabond, @thefanficsmustflow and anyone else feeling to play ^w^
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downwithpeople · 1 month ago
x-files roundup
paper hearts: GOOD. you kind of have to ignore all of the clone samanthas mulder's encountered for this episode to work. if you do that, you get an absolutely superb story about mulder questioning the story he's told himself for years. everyone's acting like crazy here, but special props to tom noonan's john lee roche who is probably the funniest self-described child molesters in television. this is another vince gilligan ep so again, great tension, great scenery, gritty atmosphere. the silliest thing about this episode is that mulder still has his job at the end. there's no world in which an FBI agent would get outfoxed the way mulder does in this episode and then still keep their job, conspiracy or no.
el mundo gira: BAD. last season we got the racist against asians ep so i'm glad my brothers in mexico get their time in the spotlight for this one. a fortean event infects a migrant worker with a fungus that kills on touch. for some reason, this is el chupacabra, which is described as a kind of mexican hungry ghost instead of a mexican pop culture cryptid. he's accused of killing his lover who was also being eyed by his brother, who is now fixing to kill him. i feel like there's some kind attempt being made here to be funny by turning an x-file into a telenovela, but in practice it just means every single scene has latin soap opera music playing over it regardless of what's happening. too much of the story is played too straight to be funny and eladio is too much of a moron to be sympathetic. the bodies consumed by fungus look pretty cool.
leonard betts: GOOD. a mutant episode, but this one is sympathetic. leonard betts the walking, talking tumour monster is a really cool concept, made even better because he hasn't lost his humanity. he works as a paramedic mainly to get tumours to eat, but it also seems like he's just good at saving lives. he's apologetic towards everyone he kills and the various transformations he undergoes seem to be agonizing. you know some shit is going down when scully is too scared to perform an autopsy. the climax is a big reveal for where her story is going, but is also noteworthy for letting her kick some serious ass.
never again: BAD. i like the idea of scully getting fed up with mulder and having a sexy fling. i like the idea of a guy getting an evil tattoo. but in practice, not a good episode. rodney rowland does a great ed jerse but he's too deranged and violent to be sympathetic; i know everyone loves a bad boy but i think scully of all people would pick up the vibe of someone being genuinely dangerous. other critics have pointed this out but the one thing scully's life isn't lacking is excitement. mulder also comes across as an unbelievable jackass which on some level has always been part of the character, but his flippant disregard for her agency and her opinions just leaves a bad taste in the mouth. it's a bitter, mean-spirited episode, as much as i love it when scully has the spotlight. i also think they should never have explained the tattoo.
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my-chaos-radio · 5 months ago
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Release: October 5, 2004
Hit me
Can you keep up?
Baby boy, make me lose my breath
Bring the noise, make me lose my breath
Hit me hard, make me lose my (huh-huh)
Can you keep up?
Baby boy, make me lose my breath
Bring the noise, make me lose my breath
Hit me hard, make me lose my breath (huh-huh)
I put it right there, made it easy for you to get to
Now you want to act like ya don't know what to do
After I done everything that you ask me
Grabbed you, grind you, liked you, tried you
Move so fast, baby, now I can't find you
I'm startin' to believe that I'm way too much for you
All that talk but it seems like ya can't come through
All them lies like you could satisfy me
Now I see where believing you got me
Gave you the wheel but you can't drive me
Can you keep up?
Baby boy, make me lose my breath
Bring the noise, make me lose my breath
Hit me hard, make me lose my (huh-huh)
Can you keep up?
Baby boy, make me lose my breath
Bring the noise, make me lose my breath
Hit me hard, make me lose my breath (huh-huh)
Two things I don't like when I'm tryna get my groove
Is a partner that meets me only halfway and just can't prove
Take me out so deep when you know you can't swim
Need a lifeguard and I need protection
So put it on me deep in the right direction
You understand the facts that I'm tryna give to you
You're movin' so slow like you just don't have a clue
Didn't mama teach you to give affection?
Learn the difference of a man and an adolescent
It ain't you, boo, so get to stepping
Can you keep up? (Ooh)
Baby boy, make me lose my breath (my breath)
Bring the noise, make me lose my breath
Hit me hard, make me lose my (huh-huh)
Can you keep up?
Baby boy, make me lose my breath
Bring the noise, make me lose my breath
Hit me hard, make me lose my breath (huh-huh)
Can you keep up?
Baby boy, make me lose my breath
Bring the noise, make me lose my breath
Hit me hard, make me lose my (huh-huh)
Can you keep up?
Baby boy, make me lose my breath
Bring the noise, make me lose my breath
Hit me hard, make me lose my breath (huh-huh)
If you can't make me say ooh
Like the beat of this drum
Why you askin' for some
You ain't really want none
If you can't make me say ooh
Like the beat of this groove
You don't have no business in this
Here's your papers, baby, you are dismissed
Can you keep up?
Baby boy, make me lose my breath
Bring the noise, make me lose my breath
Hit me hard, make me lose my (huh-huh)
Can you keep up?
Baby boy, make me lose my breath
Bring the noise, make me lose my breath
Hit me hard, make me lose my breath (huh-huh)
Can you keep up?
Baby boy, make me lose my breath
Bring the noise, make me lose my breath
Hit me hard, make me lose my (huh-huh)
Can you keep up?
Baby boy, make me lose my breath
Bring the noise, make me lose my breath
Hit me hard, make me lose my breath (huh-huh)
Beyonce Knowels / Fred Jerkins III / Kelendria Rowland / Lashawn Ameen Daniels / Michelle Williams / Rodney Jerkins / Sean Garrett / Shawn Carter
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hoodoverhollywood · 5 months ago
Kelly Rowland Wore a Black Gaurav Gupta Dress to the HollyRod Humanitarian Awards
Kelly Rowland has a beauty that not only radiates outwardly but also internally. During the HollyRod Humanitarian Awards she shone brightly in a black Gaurav Gupta gown that left us in awe. The foundation which was created by Holly Robinson Peete and retired NFL quarterback Rodney Peete serves individuals living with Parkinson’s disease and children with autism.  For this year’s 26th annual…
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deadlinecom · 7 months ago
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ohhimisssophie · 8 months ago
Hit me
Can you keep up? Baby boy, make me lose my breath Bring the noise, make me lose my breath Hit me hard, make me lose my (huh-huh) Can you keep up? Baby boy, make me lose my breath Bring the noise, make me lose my breath Hit me hard, make me lose my breath (huh-huh)
Ooh I put it right there, made it easy for you to get to Now you want to act like ya don't know what to do After I done everything that you ask me Grabbed you, grind you, liked you, tried you Move so fast, baby, now I can't find you Ooh I'm startin' to believe that I'm way too much for you All that talk but it seems like ya can't come through All them lies like you could satisfy me Now I see where believing you got me Gave you the wheel but you can't drive me
Can you keep up? Baby boy, make me lose my breath Bring the noise, make me lose my breath Hit me hard, make me lose my (huh-huh) Can you keep up? Baby boy, make me lose my breath Bring the noise, make me lose my breath Hit me hard, make me lose my breath (huh-huh)
Ooh Two things I don't like when I'm tryna get my groove Is a partner that meets me only halfway and just can't prove Take me out so deep when you know you can't swim Need a lifeguard and I need protection So put it on me deep in the right direction Ooh You understand the facts that I'm tryna give to you You're movin' so slow like you just don't have a clue Didn't mama teach you to give affection? Learn the difference of a man and an adolescent It ain't you, boo, so get to stepping
Can you keep up? (Ooh) Baby boy, make me lose my breath (my breath) Bring the noise, make me lose my breath Hit me hard, make me lose my (huh-huh) Can you keep up? Baby boy, make me lose my breath Bring the noise, make me lose my breath Hit me hard, make me lose my breath (huh-huh)
Can you keep up? Baby boy, make me lose my breath Bring the noise, make me lose my breath Hit me hard, make me lose my (huh-huh) Can you keep up? Baby boy, make me lose my breath Bring the noise, make me lose my breath Hit me hard, make me lose my breath (huh-huh)
If you can't make me say ooh Like the beat of this drum Why you askin' for some You ain't really want none If you can't make me say ooh Like the beat of this groove
You don't have no business in this Here's your papers, baby, you are dismissed
Can you keep up? Baby boy, make me lose my breath Bring the noise, make me lose my breath Hit me hard, make me lose my (huh-huh) Can you keep up? Baby boy, make me lose my breath Bring the noise, make me lose my breath Hit me hard, make me lose my breath (huh-huh)
Can you keep up? Baby boy, make me lose my breath Bring the noise, make me lose my breath Hit me hard, make me lose my (huh-huh) Can you keep up? Baby boy, make me lose my breath Bring the noise, make me lose my breath Hit me hard, make me lose my breath (huh-huh)
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Beyonce Knowels / Fred Jerkins III / Kelendria Rowland / Lashawn Ameen Daniels / Michelle Williams / Rodney Jerkins / Sean Garrett / Shawn Carter
Lose My Breath lyrics © BMG Rights Management, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
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adamwatchesmovies · 10 months ago
The 6th Day (2000)
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As far as Arnold Schwarzenegger’s filmography goes, The 6th Day lands near the middle. You’ll get an entertaining two hours out of it but a lot more could have been done with its premise.
In the near future (they say it’s sooner than we think), animal cloning has become routine but human cloning has been outlawed by the “6th Day” laws. Charter pilot Adam Gibson (Schwarzenegger) is hired to fly Michael Drucker (Tony Goldwyn), the CEO of Replacement Technologies. Adam trades places with his coworker Hank (Michael Rapaport) at the last minute but both Hank and Michael are killed by an assassin. To cover up the murder, Replacement Technologies - who has been lobbying for a repeal of the 6th Day laws - clones Michael and Adam (remember, he was supposed to be onboard). With two Adams running around, Replacement Technologies’ big secret will be exposed, unless Drucker’s agents can get to Adam first.
There’s always a certain amount of fun with any movie set in the future. The 6th Day postulates that we’ll have screens on our fridges that will allow us to order groceries the second they start to run low, have (mostly) self-driving cars, holographic girlfriends walking around our homes, interactive dolls that can literally befriend your children, laser guns and of course, cloning. We don't have all of these available yet but some of these prophecies have come true and since the film doesn’t commit to a set date, it isn’t embarrassing itself. Most of these aren’t actual predictions for what the future will be like anyway. The 6th Day isn't really interested in the ethics of cloning or where our civilization might be headed. When it touches upon the topic, it’s so it can highlight this character as being good, or this other one as evil.
If the movie were smarter, the “big twist” that comes during the last third might’ve been less obvious. Oh well. You’re watching this movie to see Arnold in a "Runner" sci-fi film trying to figure out what happened to him, uncover the conspiracy that’s going on, learn why we should hate the bad guys and then cheer when he takes them out. With cloning being Drucker’s trademark, his cronies (they’re played by Michael Rooker, Sarah Wynter, Rodney Rowland and Terry Crews) are never down for long. It seems a little inefficient considering you could probably hire someone to keep quiet for less than the 1.2 million Drucker says it costs him to bring his Team Rocket back to life over and over… but it does allow them to get more personality than the average baddies we see in these kind of films.
Several of Schwarzenegger’s pictures have been remade, rebooted or turned into franchises: Conan the Barbarian, The Terminator, Predator, Total Recall, etc. Why not this one? Because it's no classic. The 6th Day moves quickly, it’s got some neat bits of future tech, and a great premise but it could've been so much more. The funny thing is, this is exactly the kind of film that someone SHOULD redo. I doubt even director Roger Spottiswoode or writers Cormac & Marianne Wibberley would be opposed to the idea. The 6th Day is not essential viewing but if you’re in the right mood, it hits the spot. (August 3, 2022)
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yumyumpod · 2 years ago
One of the great strengths of Space: Above and Beyond is showing the complexity of war and here we get a moment that cuts through the dehumansation and othering one puts to the enemy and opts to have a brief moment of connection.
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moiraiinesedai · 3 years ago
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i was today years old when i realized this was the guy who played ed jerse 🥲🙃
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years ago
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he's just discount norman reedus in this movie
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payaara · 3 years ago
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Space: Above and Beyond (Pilot)
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